Ayurveda Approach to health & weight loss

According to the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Agni, also known as digestive fire, is the key to health.

We are what we digest, rather than what we eat. When we eat incorrect foods and improper times, food is not fully digested, absorbed and used by the body, and instead stores as Ama (toxins). This build up is the cause of dis-ease. Improper digestion means lack of nutrition and energy.

In the West we cut calories to loose weight, when what we really need is to kindle our digestive fire, so we can burn through excess toxins stored in our cells and tissues, and digest the nourishment from our foods so we feel satisfied and energized. Build up of toxins impairs and blocks our lymph, circulation, and use of energy. Cold hands and feet, fatigue after eating and insomnia are all symptoms of impaired Agni.

Tips for boosting your Agni:

*Eat only when hungry, when your digestive fire is burning.

*Sip warm water with meals, avoid drinking large volumes of water before, during or after food as this dilutes and impairs the Agni

*Aim to have your biggest meal at lunchtime, when your agni is the strongest, and a lighter meal for dinner.

*Ideally finish your dinner 3 hours + before sleep, as eating late creates ama, and the digestion process will interrupt sleep.

*Mix a few crushed cumin seeds and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a third of a cup of hot water. Drink before dinner to really ignite that digestive fire!

*Drink when thirsty only. Everyone’s bodies have different needs, instead of aiming for 2L a day, listen to your body and drink when thirst arises. This prevents impairment of agni, and allows for proper cell intelligence and communication.

*When eating, breathe deeply, and chew thoroughly. Your stomach should be 1/3 food, 1/3 water, 1/3 air. This allows for optimum digestion, without over burdening the stomach.

*Avoid ice drinks where possible, opt for warm water which acts as a natural cleanser for the body

*Ginger tea is a great digestive aid, to sip before or with a meal. Fennel is good to drink to support digestion 20+minutes after food.

*At night, gently massage the stomach with some oil, to promote healthy digestion and circulation

*Enjoy your food, and keep it varied, favor cooked over raw food, enjoy different tastes in order to satisfy your palette and prevent unhealthy cravings.

Practice listening to your body and responding to it’s needs. Drink only when thirsty, eat only when hungry. Aim to include all 6 tastes in your meals for optimal nutrition and digestion - Sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent & astringent.